Carry Armor

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Carry Armor is the boss in the Junon Underwater Reactor. The boss fight consists of three separate entities: the main body, and the left and right arms. The arms can hit players or grab and immobilize them, and the main body has a powerful Lapis Laser attack.


Carry Armor

Level HP MP ATK Magic Atk Defence Magic Def Dex Def % Luck Exp AP Gil
45 24000 200 90 55 200 300 80 1 0 2800 240 4000


Lightning (200%)

Poison (0%)

Gravity (0%)


God's Hand (100%)

Right Arm

Level HP MP ATK Magic Atk Defence Magic Def Dex Def % Luck Exp AP Gil
45 10000 100 80 55 200 300 80 1 0 1400 95 0


Lightning (200%)

Poison (0%)

Gravity (0%)

Left Arm

Level HP MP ATK Magic Atk Defence Magic Def Dex Def % Luck Exp AP Gil
45 10000 100 80 55 200 300 80 1 0 1500 90 0


Lightning (200%)

Poison (0%)

Gravity (0%)

AI Script

Carry Armor: Setup

Turn off Death Handling for Carry Armor
SpclChance = 4
If (1/3 Chance) Then {
    Choose All Opponents
    Use Lapis Laser on Target

Carry Armor: Main

If (Count == 0) Then {
    If ((At Least One Opponent doesn't have Imprisoned Status)
        AND (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1)) Then {
        Choose All Opponents without Imprisoned Status
        Use Lapis Laser on Target
    Count = 1
} Else {
    Count = 0

Carry Armor: Counter - General

If (Carry Armor's IdleAnim == Both Arms Empty) Then {
    Carry Armor's HurtAnim = Flinch (Both Arms Empty)
} Else If (Carry Armor's IdleAnim == Right Arm Full) Then {
    Carry Armor's HurtAnim = Flinch (Right Arm Full)
} Else If (Carry Armor's IdleAnim == Left Arm Full) Then {
    Carry Armor's HurtAnim = Flinch (Left Arm Full)
} Else If (Carry Armor's IdleAnim == Both Arms Full) Then {
    Carry Armor's HurtAnim = Flinch (Both Arms Full)
If (Right Arm's [4300] != [2040]) Then {
    Choose Right Arm's [4300]
    Use <Damage Attack> on Target
If (Left Arm's [4300] != [2040]) Then {
    Choose Left Arm's [4300]
    Use <Damage Attack> on Target
If (Carry Armor's HP <= 25% of Carry Armor's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 1
} Else If (Carry Armor's HP <= 50% of Carry Armor's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 2
} Else If (Carry Armor's HP <= 75% of Carry Armor's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 3
} Else {
    SpclChance = 4

Carry Armor: Counter - Death

Set Right Arm as Self
If (Right Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull = 1) Then {
    Choose Right Arm's [4300]
    Remove Target's Imprisoned Status
    Activate Target
    Use <Free Right Character> on Target
Set Left Arm as Self
If (Left Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull = 1) Then {
    Choose Left Arm's [4300]
    Remove Target's Imprisoned Status
    Activate Target
    Use <Free Left Character> on Target
Set Carry Armor as Self
Choose Self
Use <Vanish> on Target
Remove Right Arm and Left Arm

Right Arm: Setup

TempVar:CAGroup = Carry Armor, Right Arm and Left Arm withsame Formation ID
Right Arm's [4300] = [2040]
SpclChance = 16

Right Arm: Main

If (Right Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull == 0) Then {
    If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then {
        If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Imprisoned Status) Then {
            Choose Random Opponent without Imprisoned Status
            Right Arm's [4300] = Target
            If (Right Arm's IdleAnim == Both Arms Empty) Then {
                Use Arm Grab (Empty Left Version) on Target
                TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Right Arm Full
            } Else If (Right Arm's IdleAnim == Left Arm Full) Then {
                Use Arm Grab (Full Left Version) on Target
                TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Both Arms Full
            Deactivate Target
            Right Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull = 1
    } Else If ((At Least One Opponent doesn't have Imprisoned Status)
                    & (1/2 Chance)) Then {
        Choose Random Opponent without Imprisoned Status
        Use <Arm Punch> on Target

Right Arm: Counter - General

If (Right Arm's IdleAnim == Both Arms Empty) Then {
    Right Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Both Arms Empty)
} Else If (Right Arm's IdleAnim == Right Arm Full) Then {
    Right Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Right Arm Full)
} Else If (Right Arm's IdleAnim == Left Arm Full) Then {
    Right Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Left Arm Full)
} Else If (Right Arm's IdleAnim == Both Arms Full) Then {
    Right Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Both Arms Full)
If (Right Arm's [4300] != [2040]) Then {
    Choose Right Arm's [4300]
    Use <Damage Attack> on Target
If (Left Arm's [4300] != [2040]) Then {
    Choose Left Arm's [4300]
    Use <Damage Attack> on Target
If (Right Arm's HP <= 25% of Right Arm's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 2
} Else If (Right Arm's HP <= 50% of Right Arm's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 8
} Else If (Right Arm's HP <= 75% of Right Arm's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 32
} Else {
    SpclChance = 128

Right Arm: Counter - Death

If (Carry Armor doesn't have Death Status) Then {
    Choose Right Arm's [4300]
    If (Target has Imprisoned Status) Then {
        Remove Target's Imprisoned Status
        Activate Target
        Use <Free Right Character> on Target
        Right Arm's [4300] = [2040]
        Right Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull = 0
        Choose Self
        Use <Vanish> on Target
        If (Left Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull == 0) Then {
            TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Both Arms Empty
        } Else {
            TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Left Arm Full
} Else {
    Turn off Death Handling for Right Arm

Left Arm: Setup

TempVar:CAGroup = Carry Armor, Right Arm and Left Arm with same Formation ID
Left Arm's [4300] = [2040]
SpclChance = 16

Left Arm: Main

If (Left Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull == 0) Then {
    If (Rnd(1..SpclChance) == 1) Then {
        If (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Imprisoned Status) Then {
            Choose Random Opponent without Imprisoned Status
            Left Arm's [4300] = Target
            If (Left Arm's IdleAnim == Both Arms Empty) Then {
                Use Arm Grab (Empty Right Version) on Target
                TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Left Arm Full
            } Else If (Left Arm's IdleAnim == Right Arm Full) Then {
                Use Arm Grab (Full Right Version) on Target
                TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Both Arms Full
            Deactivate Target
            Left Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull = 1
    } Else If ((At Least One Opponent doesn't have Imprisoned Status)
                    AND (1/2 Chance)) Then {
        Choose Random Opponent without Imprisoned Status
        Use <Arm Punch> on Target

Left Arm: Counter - General

If (Left Arm's IdleAnim == Both Arms Empty) Then {
    Left Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Both Arms Empty)
} Else If (Left Arm's IdleAnim == Right Arm Full) Then {
    Left Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Right Arm Full)
} Else If (Left Arm's IdleAnim == Left Arm Full) Then {
    Left Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Left Arm Full)
} Else If (Left Arm's IdleAnim == Both Arms Full) Then {
    Left Arm's HurtAnim = Flinch (Both Arms Full)
If (Left Arm's [4300] != [2040]) Then {
    Choose Left Arm's [4300]
    Use <Damage Attack> on Target
If (Right Arm's [4300] != [2040]) Then {
    Choose Right Arm's [4300]
    Use <Damage Attack> on Target
If (Left Arm's HP <= 25% of Left Arm's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 2
} Else If (Left Arm's HP <= 50% of Left Arm's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 8
} Else If (Left Arm's HP <= 75% of Left Arm's Max HP) Then {
    SpclChance = 32
} Else {
    SpclChance = 128

Left Arm: Counter - Death

If (Carry Armor doesn't have Death Status) Then {
    Choose Left Arm's [4300]
    If (Target has Imprisoned Status) Then {
        Remove Target's Imprisoned Status
        Activate Target
        Use <Free Left Character> on Target
        Left Arm's [4300] = [2040]
        Left Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull = 0
        Choose Self
        Use <Vanish> on Target
        If (Right Arm's CustomVar:ArmFull == 0) Then {
            TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Both Arms Empty
        } Else {
            TempVar:CAGroup's IdleAnim = Right Arm Full
} Else {
    Turn off Death Handling for Left Arm